Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or talk with the priest or a greeter when you visit.
When are services?
Sunday worship is online via Zoom at 9:00am, and in-person at 10:00am. Please check home page for any special schedules!
Most Thursdays feature online Bible Study from 10:00-11:00am
What about the bread and wine?
We use wine during Communion and a gluten-free wafer is also available. You may choose to receive both or either of these, or a blessing from the priest at the altar rail instead. We usually begin by listening to scripture readings and prayer, then gather around God’s table, sharing Holy Communion. All, and we mean ALL are welcome at Christ’s table. The gifts of God are free and for you. You need not be an Episcopalian to receive the bread and wine… And remember, ALL are welcome to share in this bread of life and cup of salvation.
What should I wear?
Please wear whatever makes you comfortable! We are a fairly casual community – you’ll see a lot of orange if the Broncos are playing, and shorts in the summer time!
How do I find St. John’s?
SJC is in the Applewood area of unincorporated Jefferson County, located in a quiet neighborhood setting with abundant wildlife. Near Manning and Maple Grove Schools, the church is just off Exit #264 on I-70 at 13151 West 28th Avenue, Golden, CO. Please click here for driving directions to the church.
What about children?
Children are always welcome at Sunday services!
What does the Episcopal Church believe?
Much of what we believe can be found in our Baptismal Covenant. Here it is in part:
I will proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ…
I will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving my neighbor as myself…
I will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being…
St. John’s is accessible with reserved handicap parking in front, a ramp to the main church entrance and accessible restrooms. Please let us know if you have any specific questions. We want you to feel at ease and welcome.
SJC’s Ministry & Event Calendar