We invite you to join us for one of two services either in-person or online.
Sunday, 9am Zoom (only online)
Sunday in-person at 10am
To see more photos of the church and recent services please go to our Gallery tab.
Upcoming Worship
Sunday Worship – Zoom Link
Online & In-Person Worship

Links to Sunday virtual and in-person worship services, Thursday morning Bible Study and other events can all be found on the SJC calendar. You are welcome and invited!
Join us each week for worship:
Sunday Morning Prayer at 9:00am via Zoom (link here)
Please click on the SJC calendar link above for a copy of the Morning Prayer bulletin.
Sunday Eucharist (in-person) at 10am
Please check SJC’s current Ministry & Event Calendar for current schedules. The St. John’s community worships every Sunday at 9:00am online and 10:00am in-person.
Thursday Bible Study 
Weekly at 10:00-11:00am, a small online ZOOM gathering includes discussion and conversation. How does the Bible – the living Word of God – impact our lives, our relationships with God and each other? Everyone is welcome and invited to join in. (Please check the church calendar in case there are any changes.)
Colorado Episcopalian
Fall 2022 edition In This Issue: “What Does It Take to Make Church?” Our lives and our communities have been transformed over the past two years. We have lost much and necessarily let go of much we held dear, individually and collectively. We have also discovered new ways to nurture and sustain ourselves and each other in creative new ways. Now we are asking the important questions in new ways: What are we called to? How do we connect? How do we tether ourselves to God and tether our hearts to each other?
Bishop Kym’s weekly messages
“Greetings Beloved in Christ…” videos online… weekly messages from our Bishop and other news from the Diocese.
Daily Prayer
A wide variety of daily prayers and reflections can be found at Forward Movement, a resource of the Episcopal Church
Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world. In 2016, Episcopal Relief & Development spent 84% on programs versus 9% on fundraising and 7% on administration. Because ERD receives support from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society in addition to income from investments, at least 90% of every donor dollar goes directly to programs.
Celebrating over 5 decades of ministry in Denver’s West Metro area, since 1963!
The Episcopal Church of St. John Chrysostom is in unincorporated Jefferson County, very near Lakewood, Wheat Ridge and Arvada in the Applewood area just off I-70 at the Youngfield exit and West 32nd Avenue.
To contact the church office please give us a call at 303-279-2760 or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.
Visit St. John’s on Facebook too!
Mailing address and location:
13151 W. 28th Avenue
Golden, Colorado 80401